Manual Chapter : 3-DNS Reference Guide v4.5.10: Production Rules

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3-DNS Controller versions 1.x - 4.x

  • 4.5.14, 4.5.13, 4.5.12, 4.5.11, 4.5.10
Manual Chapter



Production Rules

Controlling network traffic patterns with production rules

Production rules are a policy-based management tool that you can use to dynamically change how the 3-DNS Controller distributes connections across the network. You can also use production rules to send system administrators notifications of specific events. Production rules are based on triggers, such as time of day, current traffic patterns, or current traffic volume. For example, you can configure a production rule that changes the load balancing mode to Quality of Service during your peak business hours, and you can configure a production rule that notifies you when the number of name resolution requests exceeds a specific number.

You can create production rules that apply to the system in general, or you can create production rules for specific wide IPs.

If you want to configure basic production rules, we recommend that you use the Configuration utility. If you want to create custom production rules, you should review the following section, Working with the production rules scripting language , which describes the scripting language you use to configure production rules from the command line. You may also want to contact technical support for additional assistance with complex configurations.

Setting up production rules in the Configuration utility

The Configuration utility uses a wizard-style format to help you set up production rules. The screen prompts that you see during the configuration process vary, depending on the items you select in each screen. However, to configure any production rule, you perform three basic steps:

  • Define the type of rule
    The two types of production rules are: global production rules, and wide IP production rules.

  • Define the rule trigger
    The types of rule triggers are: a set time or time interval, a specific system event, and other conditions that trigger an action.

  • Define the action taken
    The two basic types of rule actions are: to send user-definable messages to log files or email accounts, and to change specific load balancing settings.

The following sections discuss each production rule option in detail, and provide all of the information you need to complete the production rule using the wizard.

Viewing, adding, and deleting production rules

When you click Production Rules in the Configuration utility, the Production Rules wizard screen opens. The screen displays the list of existing global and wide IP production rules. You can add a new rule by clicking the Add Production Rule button, which starts the production rule wizard. The wizard prompts you to specify the various production rule options, and then review your selections before you save the production rule to the configuration.

Note that you can modify existing production rules by clicking the rule name in the list, and you can delete a production rule at any time by clicking the Remove button next to the rule name.

Choosing the rule type

The first step in the production rule wizard is to choose whether the production rule is a global production rule or a wide IP production rule.

  • Global production rules
    Global production rules send messages to log files or to specific email accounts, based on a set time interval or on standard events. The standard events are listed and described in Table 4.2 .

  • Wide IP production rules
    Wide IP production rules are based on the time of day. Wide IP production rules can change the current load balancing modes for the preferred, alternate, or fallback methods; they can reconfigure ratio settings for individual virtual servers; and they can reconfigure the coefficients for Quality of Service mode. Wide IP production rules can also send messages to log files or email accounts.

After you choose a rule type, the wizard prompts you to name the rule and allows you to add a brief description of the rule.

Defining triggers for the production rule

The next step in the wizard prompts you to choose a trigger for the production rule. You can set up three basic types of triggers: time-based triggers, event-based triggers, and triggers based on other conditions. Once you review the information for the type of trigger you want to set up, go to Choosing the action taken .

Defining triggers based on time

Time-based triggers include two types: global production rules trigger on set time intervals, while wide IP production rules trigger at specific times on specific days.

Defining time-based triggers for global production rules

To set a time interval for a global production rule, after you have defined a name and provided a description of the production rule, complete the following steps.

To apply a set time interval variable

  1. On the Select A Condition for the Production Rule page, select Perform action according to a Time Interval, and click Next.

  2. On the Set the Time Interval page, in the Seconds between Action box, type the number of seconds you would like to elapse between each action the production rule executes, and click Next.

Once you define the time interval, you continue with the wizard and begin to define the production rule action.

Defining time-based triggers for wide IP production rules

Unlike the global production rule, a wide IP production rule can trigger at a specific time of day, on a specific day of the week, on a specific date, or at a specific time on a specific date. The following procedures explain how to set up each type of time trigger, in the wizard, for wide IP production rules.

To apply a time of day variable

  1. On the Select Time Variables page, from the Time Variable table, select Time.

  2. In the Start Time box, specify the hour and minute you want the production rule action to begin.

  3. In the Stop Time box, select the hour and minute you want the production rule action to stop, and click Next.

    Once you define the time of day that triggers the production rule, you continue with the wizard and begin to define the production rule action.

To apply a day of the week variable

  1. On the Select Time Variables page, from the Time Variable table, select Day.

  2. From the Start Day box, select the day you want the production rule action to begin.

  3. From the Stop Day box, select the day you want the production rule action to stop, and click Next.

    Once you define the day of the week that triggers the production rule, you continue with the wizard and begin to define the production rule action.

To apply a date variable

  1. On the Select Time Variables page, from the Time Variable table, select Date.

  2. In the Start Date box, type the date you want the production rule action to begin (mm/dd/yyyy).

  3. In the Stop Date box, type the date you want the production rule action to stop (mm/dd/yyyy), and click Next.

Once you define the date that triggers the production rule, you continue with the wizard and begin to define the production rule action.

To apply a combined date and time variable

  1. On the Select Time Variables page, from the Time Variable table, select Date/Time.

  2. In the Start Date box, type the date you want the production rule action to begin (mm/dd/yyyy).

  3. In the Stop Date box, type the date you want the production rule action to stop (mm/dd/yyyy).

  4. In the Start Time box, specify the hour and minute you want the production rule action to begin.

  5. In the Stop Time box, select the hour and minute you want the production rule action to stop, and click Next.

    Once you define the date and time that triggers the production rule, you continue with the wizard and begin to define the production rule action.

Defining triggers based on standard events

Standard events, such as when a name resolution process begins, can trigger only global production rules. Standard events cannot trigger wide IP production rules.

To set a standard event for a global production rule, after you have defined a name and provided a description of the production rule, complete the following steps.

To apply a standard event variable

  1. On the Select A Condition for the Production Rule page, select Perform action according to a Specific Events, and click Next.

  2. On the Select an Event page, in the Select Event box, select the event that triggers the production rule action, and click Next.
    The standard events that can trigger global production rules are described in Table 4.2 .

Once you define the standard event that triggers the production rule, you continue with the wizard and begin to define the production rule action.

Defining triggers based on other conditions

Wide IP production rules contain two other conditions that you can define, in addition to time, that trigger production rules. The first condition is, you can specify a local domain name server (LDNS), and when that LDNS makes a name resolution request, the production rule triggers a certain action. The other is, you can specify the number of name resolutions that you want to occur before the production rule triggers a certain action.

To apply an LDNS variable

  1. On the Select A Condition for the Production Rule page, select Respond according to Local Domain Name Server, and click Next.

  2. On the Select the Local Domain Name Server page, in the LDNS IP Address box, type the IP address of the LDNS to which you want the business rule to apply, and click Next.

  3. In the LDNS Subnet Mask box, type the subnet mask of the LDNS.
    Once you define the LDNS that triggers the production rule, you continue with the wizard and begin to define the production rule action.

To apply a name resolutions variable

  1. On the Select A Condition for the Production Rule page, select Respond according to Number of Name Resolutions, and click Next.

  2. On the Select Number of Name Resolutions page, in the Number of Resolutions box, type the number of name resolutions that you want to occur before the production rule triggers a certain action, and click Next.
    Once you define the number of name resolutions that triggers the production rule, you continue with the wizard and begin to define the production rule action.

Choosing the action taken

After you specify the production rule trigger, the wizard prompts you to choose the action that the production rule takes. Note that the actions that a production rule can take depend in part on whether the production rule is a global rule or a wide IP rule. For example, both global production rules and wide IP production rules can send user-defined messages to log files, or to specific email accounts, but only wide IP production rules can alter load balancing modes. The actions that you can choose for a production rule are:

  • Sending user-defined messages
    Both global and wide IP production rules can send user-defined messages to the syslog file, or to a specific email account.

  • Changing the load balancing mode settings
    Wide IP production rules can change load balancing mode settings for the wide IP. You can change the preferred, alternate, and fallback methods, and you can change QOS coefficient settings.

  • Changing virtual server ratios
    You can change virtual server ratios to alter the distribution load when the load balancing mode is set to Ratio.

  • Specifying a virtual server to return
    You can specify that the 3-DNS Controller returns a specific virtual server, rather than choosing a virtual server using load balancing.

Once you specify an action, the production rules wizard prompts you to review all of the production rule settings, and then saves the production rule to the configuration.


Working with the production rules scripting language

The production rules scripting language uses constructs and statements that are similar in syntax to Perl script and the C programming language. If you have a good working knowledge of Perl or C, you may want to create your own custom production rules. You can use the guidelines in this section in conjunction with the examples provided both here and in the sample wideip.conf file (installed on the 3-DNS Controller).

If you need to add custom production rules to your configuration, but you do not want to work out the implementation yourself, you can contact your vendor for assistance.

Inserting production rules in the wideip.conf file

Production rules are part of the wideip.conf file, and you can either insert them directly in the file, or you can store them in a separate file and include them by reference. If you want to use the Configuration utility to manage the 3-DNS configuration, you must store production rules configured from the command line in a separate file, and include them by reference. If you attempt to use custom production rules in a file that you edit using the Configuration utility, the production rule syntax may become corrupt.

If you include custom production rules directly in the wideip.conf file, you must edit and maintain the wideip.conf file from the command line; you cannot use the Configuration utility for configuration administration.

Executing and managing production rules from the command line

The language that you use to specify production rules is 3dscript. Production rules must have the following attributes in 3dscript:

  • Each production rule is uniquely identified by a label.

  • Each production rule can be deleted using its label.

  • All production rules at the global scope can be deleted.

  • All production rules at the wide IP-pool scope can be deleted.

  • Each production rule can be replaced.

  • Each production rule can be annotated with a character string.

The 3dscript language manages and executes production rules according the following guidelines:

  • The 3dscript language supports conditional execution of production rules using the if statement. You can use if statements in wide IP production rules, and in global production rules, only if they are embedded within a when or an every statement.

  • The 3dscript language supports event-driven execution of production rules using the when statement. You can use the when statement only in global production rules.

  • The 3dscript language supports periodic execution of production rules using the every statement. You can use the every statement only in global production rules.

The following sections describe how to work with the components of the 3dscript language.


Working with the if statement


if(conditional-expression) { <action> ... } [ else { <action> ... } ]



The if statement is a standard statement that defines a condition that triggers a production rule action. Typically, you use if statements in wide IP production rules. An if statement must adhere to the following guidelines:

  • The if statement can be specified in the scope of a wide IP pool statement.

  • The if statement can be nested in another if statement.

  • Multiple if statements can be specified in the same scope.

  • The nesting of if statements is limited only by the memory capacity of the 3-DNS Controller.

  • The precedence of logical, relational, and unary operators is the same as in ANSI-c.



If statement parameters and operators

Can contain or be one of these:


A primitive-expression

A primitive-expression followed by a relational-operator, followed by a primitive-expression

A primitive-expression followed by an arithmetic-operator, followed by a primitive-expression

Two conditional-expressions joined by a logical-operator


A keyword which is evaluated when the conditional-expression is evaluated

An intrinsic function which is evaluated when the conditional-expression is evaluated

A literal value enclosed in full quotes

A conditional-expression enclosed in parentheses

A unary-operator followed by a conditional-expression enclosed in parentheses


Logical OR ( || )

Logical AND ( && )


Equality ( == )

Not equal ( != )

Greater than ( > )

Greater than or equal to ( >= )

Less than ( < )

Less than or equal to ( <= )


modulus ( mod )

unary operators

Unary negation ( ! )

Unary minus ( - )


day, time, date, datetime, ldns_ip, wip_ip, wip_name, wip_num_resolves, preferred, alternate, fallback, rtt, completion_rate, hops, packet_rate, topology

intrinsic functions

isLdnsInNet(Ip address, mask)

isLdnsInAS(IP address, mask)



Working with the when statement


when(event) { <action> ... }



The when statement is a standard statement that defines a specific event condition that triggers a production rule action. A when statement can be used only in global production rules, and it must adhere to the following guidelines:

  • The when statement can be specified at the top scope of the wideip.conf file, after the wide IP definition(s) and before the topology statement.

  • Multiple when statements can be specified in the same scope.

  • Nesting of when statements is not allowed.

The global production rule event triggers are described in Table 4.2 .


Event triggers



The production rule takes action each time the 3-DNS Controller receives a new resolution request.


The production rule takes action each time the 3-DNS Controller completes a name resolution.


The production rule takes action each time the fallback load balancing method is used in a wide IP.


The production rule takes action each time the 3-DNS Controller receives a SIGINT command.


The production rule takes action each time the 3-DNS Controller receives a SIGHUP command.


The production rule takes action each time the 3-DNS Controller reaps obsolete path information.


The production rule takes action each time iQuery communication on the 3-DNS Controller experiences a CRC failure.


The production rule takes action each time the 3-DNS Controller detects that another 3-DNS, BIG-IP, or host server becomes unavailable.


The production rule takes action each time the 3-DNS Controller detects that a virtual server becomes unavailable.


The production rule takes action after the wideip.conf file is read on startup (a one-time event).


The production rule takes action each time the 3-DNS configuration is re-read (for example, when a 3ndc reload command is issued).


Working with the every statement


every(<seconds>) { <action> ... }



The every statement is a standard statement that defines a time interval at which the production rule action triggers, such as every 60 seconds. You can use an every statement only for a global production rule, and it must adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Specify the every statement at the top scope of the wideip.conf file, after the wide IP definition(s) and before the topology statement.

  • Specify multiple every statements in the same scope.

  • You cannot nest every statements.

Defining production rule actions

The production rules language supports the following actions. Not all actions apply to all production rule types. For example, the actions that change load balancing settings are valid only for wide IP production rules. Actions such as defining a log string can be used in either global production rules or wide IP production rules. Each action below specifies which production rule types can use it.


Production rule actions


Production rule type

preferred <lbmode>

This action changes the preferred load balancing method in a wide IP.

Wide IP production rule only

alternate <lbmode>

This action changes the alternate load balancing method in a wide IP.

Wide IP production rule only

fallback <lbmode>

This action changes the fallback load balancing method in a wide IP.

Wide IP production rule only


This action sends the specified string to the syslog utility, which writes the string to the syslog file.

Wide IP production rule

Global production rule


This action sends the specified string to the Sendmail utility, which creates a mail message and forwards it to the administrative email account specified for Sendmail (see the log2mail man page for details about log2mail syntax).

Wide IP production rule

Global production rule

vs(<ip>:<port>).ratio <n>

This action changes the ratio setting for a specific virtual server in a wide IP pool.

Wide IP production rule only


This action skips the load balancing process and instead returns the specified virtual server to the requesting client.

Wide IP production rule only


Production rule examples

There are a variety of custom production rules that you may want to implement or expand on for your own network. Following are examples of these three custom production rules:

  • Load balancing according to time of day

  • Load balancing according to local DNS server

  • Hacker detection

Using production rules to load balance according to time of day

You can set up production rules ahead of time to deal with future needs and client demands for events. For example, say your company has a software distribution scheduled for release next Tuesday at 5:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. The new software will be available for download from the FTP sites at that time, and you expect that during the first week, traffic will be 10 times what it normally is, with frequent bursts during standard work hours, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. However, the client base spans four time zones with an FTP server farm on the east coast in New York (, and another on the west coast in Los Angeles ( The 3-DNS Controller is located on the east coast and runs on Eastern Standard Time. You are willing to accept some network latency in return for guaranteed connections.

Figure 4.1 shows a sample production rule that handles the connections according to the anticipated load at specific times of the day.

Figure 4.1 Production rule example for load balancing by time of day

wideip {
  name ""
  pool {
    preferred ratio
    address ratio 2
    address ratio 1
    rule "ftp_balance"
      // Night time: qos
      if(time > "21:00" && time < "07:00") {
        preferred leastconn
      else {
        preferred ratio
        // East Coast
        rule "east" if(time < "10:00") {
          vs.( 3
          vs.( 1
        // Both coasts are at peak demand
        else {
          rule "both" if(time < "18:00") {
            vs.( 1
            vs.( 1
          // West Coast
          else {
            vs.( 1
            vs.( 3



Using production rules to load balance according to LDNS

One interesting application of production rules is that you can create a rule that is activated when a specific local DNS server makes a name resolution request. The following example is based on a web site published in three languages: English, Spanish, and Japanese. Suppose that the addresses in the network are allocated to Japanese speakers, and the addresses in the network are allocated to Spanish speakers. The production rule shown in Figure 4.2 uses the address of the requesting LDNS to determine which virtual server should receive the connection.

Figure 4.2 Production rule example for load balancing by IP address of LDNS

wideip {
  name ""
  pool {
    rule "Japanese" if(isLdnsInNet(, {
    else {
      rule "Spanish" if(isLdnsInNet(, {
      else { // assume English

    address // English
    address // Spanish
    address // Japanese

Using production rules for hacker detection

Another interesting example of triggering a production rule based on the requesting LDNS server is to take evasive action against known hackers attempting to access your system. The production rule shown in Figure 4.3 sends the hacker to a special server, rather than flat-out rejecting the connection. As an alternative, you can change the rule to return a non-routable or non-existent address.

Figure 4.3 Production rule example for sending a hacker to a specific server

when(ResolveNameBegin) {
  rule "roach_motel" if(isLdnsInNet(, {
    // Send this guy to our "roach motel" for hackers.
    // This address doesn't need to be listed in any wideip pool.
    // This address is reserved for us to watch hackers under the microscope.
    log2mail("Hacker $ldns_ip came back")

A related example, shown in Figure 4.4 , illustrates a production rule that deals with attacks against iQuery communications. The production rule warns you if the 3-DNS Controller detects a hack attempt against the iQuery protocol, based on a communication failure.

Figure 4.4 Production rule example for detecting an iQuery failure due to potential attack

Rule "iQuery_hacked" when(CRC_Failure) {
  log2mail("Got CRC Failure")