Manual Chapter : Integrating Amazon Web Services

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BIG-IQ Cloud

  • 4.5.0
Manual Chapter

About Amazon Web Services (AWS) integration

BIG-IQ Cloud provides you with the tools to manage Amazon EC2 and CloudWatch resources required to perform application delivery. Management tasks include discovering and creating BIG-IP VE virtual machines located in Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), application pool servers, and deploying applications. You can use these features to accommodate application traffic fluctuations by periodically adding and retracting devices and application servers, as needed. Additionally, you can provide tenants access to self-deployable iApps through Amazon EC2 integration.

To provide access to these services for Amazon EC2 tenants, you configure communication between Amazon EC2 products, and BIG-IQ Cloud. Then, you associate a Amazon EC2 cloud connector with a device, and create a catalog entry for a corresponding Amazon EC2 service profile. The tenants to whom you give access to the catalog entry see it in their applications panel. From there, they can use it to self-deploy their own iApps.

Using an API to create a Server

Your provider must have already created a tenant user account that includes an EC2 connector, and supplied you with the connector reference.

Both tenants and providers can create EC2 servers using either the user interface or a REST API call. A user with a role of tenant can create an EC2 server using the REST API.

  1. Authenticate with the F5 Cloud REST API, specifying a user role of Tenant.
    Tip: Refer to Authentication with the F5 REST API in the BIG-IQ Cloud Overview chapter of this guide for information about authentication strategies.
    Tip: Refer to the BIG-IQ Cloud Service API Reference Guide for details about using the APIs required for this task.
  2. Create a new EC2 server using the Create Node API to specify all of the details required for this server. /cm/cloud/tenants/{tenant}/nodes POST
    Important: Use the connector reference supplied by your provider when you are specifying the parameters for this server.
    The REST response you receive confirms that the new server has the parameter values you specified.
The server you created is now available for your cloud applications to use.

Creating a new application pool server

Before you can create a new server, the cloud administrator must associate you with a cloud connector.

BIG-IQ Cloud provides you with the tools to self-deploy iApps through Amazon EC2 integration. For this integration, you must create an application pool server associated with an EC2 cloud connector.

  1. Log in to the BIG-IQ Cloud with your tenant user name and password.
  2. Hover on the Servers panel, click the + sign when it appears, and then click New Server.
  3. From the Cloud Connector list, select the EC2 connector you want to associate with this server.
  4. From the Network Interface list, select the network to associate with this server.
  5. From the AMI ID list, select the AMI (Amazon Machine Image) select the associated image.
  6. If your EC2 implementation is anything other than m1.small, in the Instance Type field, type the name of the instance. For example, m3.large. BIG-IQ Cloud supports the following large EC2 instances: m3.large, m3.xlarge, m3.2xlarge, cc2.8xlarge, c3.xlarge, c3.2xlarge, c3.4xlarge, and c3.8xlarge
  7. Click the Save button.
You can now associate this server with your EC2 implementation.