Supplemental Document : F5 Monitoring Pack Powershell

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F5 Monitoring Pack

  • 3.2.2, 3.2.1, 3.2.0, 3.1.2, 3.1.1, 3.1.0, 3.0.0
Original Publication Date: 08/30/2013 Updated Date: 04/18/2019

In addition to command line and windows forms tools, the software package for the F5 Networks Monitoring Pack also includes a collection of Powershell commandlets. Combining these commandlets with the already robust capabilities of Powershell, you can really take advantage of much of the functionality of the Monitoring Pack through a few simple scripts.

Note: This documentation was adapted from the F5 Management Pack Wiki hosted on DevCentral ( Certain links or context described in this document may refer to content originally created on the Wiki.

F5 Cmdlets

  • Start-F5.Discovery - Starts the discovery of an F5 device.
    • -Async - Run the discovery asynchronously.
    • -HostName - Hostname or IP address to discover.
    • -Credentials - Username/Password combo wrapped inside a Credential object.
    • -Force - Do not require confirmation of the start discovery request.
  • Stop-F5.Discovery - Stops discovery of an F5 device or devices.
    • -IPAddress - A single IP address or an array of IP addresses you wish to stop discovery on.
    • -Force - Do not require confirmation of the discovery stop request.
  • Get-F5.ActiveDiscovery - Displays the current discovery progress.
    • -AccessIP - A single IP address or an array of IP addresses to report back progress for.
    • -ShowAddressOnly - Lists all current discoveries by IP only (no progress details).
  • Get-F5.Connection - Gets a list of currently discovered and connected F5 devices.
    • -AccessIP - A single IP address or an array of IP addresses to get connection details for.
  • Ping-F5.Subnet - Get a ping response from all F5 devices on the specified subnet.
    • -BaseAddress - Base IP address to start the subnet scan from.
    • -Mask - Subnet mask to scan by.
  • Update-F5.CollectionRules - Forces the update of the collection rules for an F5 device specified by an override of the F5 Monitoring Pack inside Operations Manager.
    • -Force - Do not require confirmation of the update request.
  • Update-F5.ThresholdRules - Forces the update of the threshold rules for an F5 device specified by an override of the F5 Monitoring Pack inside Operations Manager.
    • -Force - Do not require confirmation of the update request.
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F5 Monitoring Pack iControl Cmdlets

Device Specific Cmdlets

  • Set-F5.DeviceFailoverState - Sets the failover state for an F5 device.
    • -FailOverState - The failover state to set the device to. Can be either "Standby" or "Active".
    • -DeviceIP - The IP address of the F5 device.
    • -Token - The device configuration token. Typically obtained by calling the Get-F5.DeviceConfigurationToken cmdlet from the F5.Networks.ManagementPack PsSnapin.

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LTM Pool Member Cmdlets

  • Add-F5.LtmPoolMember - Adds an LTM Pool Member to the specified pool.
    • -Pool - The name of the pool in which to add the pool member to.
    • -Member - The pool member to add. In the format of :
    • -DeviceIP - The IP address of the F5 device.
    • -Token - The device configuration token. Typically obtained by calling the Get-F5.DeviceConfigurationToken cmdlet from the F5.Networks.ManagementPack PsSnapin.
  • Remove-F5.LtmPoolMember - Removes an LTM Pool Member from the specified pool.
    • -Pool - The name of the pool in which to add the pool member to.
    • -Member - The pool member to remove. In the format of :
    • -DeviceIP - The IP address of the F5 device.
    • -Token - The device configuration token. Typically obtained by calling the Get-F5.DeviceConfigurationToken cmdlet from the F5.Networks.ManagementPack PsSnapin.
  • Set-F5.LtmPoolMemberPriority - Sets the priority for an LTM Pool Member in the specified pool.
    • -Pool - The name of the pool where the pool member is located.
    • -Member - The pool member to set the priority for. In the format of :
    • -Priority - The priority to set the LTM Pool Member to.
    • -DeviceIP - The IP address of the F5 device.
    • -Token - The device configuration token. Typically obtained by calling the Get-F5.DeviceConfigurationToken cmdlet from the F5.Networks.ManagementPack PsSnapin.
  • Get-F5.LtmPoolMemberPriority - Gets the priority for an LTM Pool Member in the specified pool.
    • -Pool - The name of the pool where the pool member is located.
    • -Member - The pool member to get the priority for. In the format of :
    • -DeviceIP - The IP address of the F5 device.
    • -Token - The device configuration token. Typically obtained by calling the Get-F5.DeviceConfigurationToken cmdlet from the F5.Networks.ManagementPack PsSnapin.
  • Set-F5.LtmPoolMemberRatio - Sets the ratio for an LTM Pool Member in the specified pool.
    • -Pool - The name of the pool where the pool member is located.
    • -Member - The pool member to set the ratio for. In the format of :
    • -Ratio - The ratio to set the LTM Pool Member to.
    • -DeviceIP - The IP address of the F5 device.
    • -Token - The device configuration token. Typically obtained by calling the Get-F5.DeviceConfigurationToken cmdlet from the F5.Networks.ManagementPack PsSnapin.
  • Get-F5.LtmPoolMemberRatio - Gets the ratio for an LTM Pool Member in the specified pool.
    • -Pool - The name of the pool where the pool member is located.
    • -Member - The pool member to get the ratio for. In the format of :
    • -DeviceIP - The IP address of the F5 device.
    • -Token - The device configuration token. Typically obtained by calling the Get-F5.DeviceConfigurationToken cmdlet from the F5.Networks.ManagementPack PsSnapin.
  • Enable-F5.LtmPoolMember - Enables an LTM Pool Member in the specified pool.
    • -Pool - The name of the pool where the pool member is located.
    • -Member - The pool member to enable. In the format of :
    • -DeviceIP - The IP address of the F5 device.
    • -Token - The device configuration token. Typically obtained by calling the Get-F5.DeviceConfigurationToken cmdlet from the F5.Networks.ManagementPack PsSnapin.
  • Disable-F5.LtmPoolMember - Disables an LTM Pool Member in the specified pool.
    • -Pool - The name of the pool where the pool member is located.
    • -Member - The pool member to disable. In the format of :
    • -DeviceIP - The IP address of the F5 device.
    • -Token - The device configuration token. Typically obtained by calling the Get-F5.DeviceConfigurationToken cmdlet from the F5.Networks.ManagementPack PsSnapin.
  • Set-F5.LtmPoolMemberState - Sets the state for an LTM Pool Member in the specified pool.
    • -Pool - The name of the pool where the pool member is located.
    • -Member - The pool member to set the state for. In the format of :
    • -State - The state to change the pool member to.
    • -DeviceIP - The IP address of the F5 device.
    • -Token - The device configuration token. Typically obtained by calling the Get-F5.DeviceConfigurationToken cmdlet from the F5.Networks.ManagementPack PsSnapin.
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LTM Pool Cmdlets

  • Add-F5.LtmPool - Adds an LTM Pool to the device.
    • -Name - The name of the pool to add to the device.
    • -Partition - The partition in which to add the pool.
    • -DeviceIP - The IP address of the F5 device.
    • -Token - The device configuration token. Typically obtained by calling the Get-F5.DeviceConfigurationToken cmdlet from the F5.Networks.ManagementPack PsSnapin.
  • Remove-F5.LtmPool - Removes an LTM Pool from the device.
    • -Name - The name of the pool to remove from the device.
    • -Partition - The partition where the pool should be removed.
    • -DeviceIP - The IP address of the F5 device.
    • -Token - The device configuration token. Typically obtained by calling the Get-F5.DeviceConfigurationToken cmdlet from the F5.Networks.ManagementPack PsSnapin.
  • Get-F5.LtmPoolLoadBalancingMethod - Gets the Load Balancing Method for the LTM Pool specified.
    • -Name - The name of the pool.
    • -Partition - The partition where the pool resides.
    • -DeviceIP - The IP address of the F5 device.
    • -Token - The device configuration token. Typically obtained by calling the Get-F5.DeviceConfigurationToken cmdlet from the F5.Networks.ManagementPack PsSnapin.
  • Set-F5.LtmPoolLoadBalancingMethod - Sets the Load Balancing Method for the LTM Pool specified.
    • -Name - The name of the pool.
    • -Partition - The partition where the pool resides.
    • -LoadBalancingMethod - The Load Balancing Method to apply to the Pool specified. (RoundRobin, RatioMember, LeastConnectionMember, ObservedMember, PredictiveMember, RatioNodeAddress, LeastConnectionNodeAddress, FastestNodeAddress, ObservedNodeAddress, PredictiveNodeAddress, DynamicRatio, FastestAppResponse, LeastSessions, DynamicRatioMember, L3Address, WeightedLeastConnectionMember, WeightedLeastConnectionNodeAddress)
    • -DeviceIP - The IP address of the F5 device.
    • -Token - The device configuration token. Typically obtained by calling the Get-F5.DeviceConfigurationToken cmdlet from the F5.Networks.ManagementPack PsSnapin.
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LTM Virtual Server Cmdlets

  • Enable-F5.LtmVirtualServer - Enables an LTM Virtual Server on the specified F5 device.
    • -VirtualServer - The name of the Virtual Server to enable.
    • -DeviceIP - The IP address of the F5 device.
    • -Token - The device configuration token. Typically obtained by calling the Get-F5.DeviceConfigurationToken cmdlet from the F5.Networks.ManagementPack PsSnapin.
  • Disable-F5.LtmVirtualServer - Disables an LTM Virtual Server on the specified F5 device.
    • -VirtualServer - The name of the Virtual Server to disable.
    • -DeviceIP - The IP address of the F5 device.
    • -Token - The device configuration token. Typically obtained by calling the Get-F5.DeviceConfigurationToken cmdlet from the F5.Networks.ManagementPack PsSnapin.
  • Add-F5.LtmVirtualServerProfile - Adds an application designer ready profile to the device to be used by LTM Virtual Servers.
    • -ApplicationProfile - The profile name to generate. (MicrosoftInternetInformationServer, MicrosoftSharePoint, MicrosoftInternetInformationServerSecure, MicrosoftSharePointSecure, MicrosoftExchange)
    • -Partition - The partition to create the profiles on.
    • -CreateIfMissing - Create the additional profiles and monitors required for the application designer to work properly.
    • -DeviceIP - The IP address of the F5 device.
    • -Token - The device configuration token. Typically obtained by calling the Get-F5.DeviceConfigurationToken cmdlet from the F5.Networks.ManagementPack PsSnapin.
  • Remove-F5.LtmVirtualServerProfile - Removes an application designer profile from the device.
    • -ApplicationProfile - The profile name to delete. (MicrosoftInternetInformationServer, MicrosoftSharePoint, MicrosoftInternetInformationServerSecure, MicrosoftSharePointSecure, MicrosoftExchange)
    • -Partition - The partition to delete the profiles from.
    • -DeviceIP - The IP address of the F5 device.
    • -Token - The device configuration token. Typically obtained by calling the Get-F5.DeviceConfigurationToken cmdlet from the F5.Networks.ManagementPack PsSnapin.
  • Add-F5.LtmVirtualServer - Creates a new LTM Virtual Server on the specified F5 device.
    • -Name - The name of the Virtual Server to create.
    • -IPPort - The virtual IP Address port combination to use. In the format of :
    • -Pool - The default pool to use to load balance against.
    • -ApplicationProfile - The application profile you wish to auto-create. (MicrosoftInternetInformationServer, MicrosoftSharePoint, MicrosoftInternetInformationServerSecure, MicrosoftSharePointSecure, MicrosoftExchange)
    • -DeviceIP - The IP address of the F5 device.
    • -Token - The device configuration token. Typically obtained by calling the Get-F5.DeviceConfigurationToken cmdlet from the F5.Networks.ManagementPack PsSnapin.
  • Remove-F5.LtmVirtualServer - Removes an LTM Virtual Server from the specified F5 device.
    • -VirtualServer - The name of the Virtual Server to remove.
    • -DeviceIP - The IP address of the F5 device.
    • -Token - The device configuration token. Typically obtained by calling the Get-F5.DeviceConfigurationToken cmdlet from the F5.Networks.ManagementPack PsSnapin.
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LTM iRule Cmdlets

  • Add-LTMiRule - Adds an iRule to the specified device.
    • -iRuleName - The name of the iRule to add.
    • -iRuleDefinition - The iRule itself.
    • -Overwrite - Should and iRule be overwritten if it already exists.
    • -Partition - The partition on which the iRule will be created.
    • -DeviceIP - The IP address of the F5 device.
    • -Token - The device configuration token. Typically obtained by calling the Get-F5.DeviceConfigurationToken cmdlet from the F5.Networks.ManagementPack PsSnapin.
  • Register-LTMiRule - Register an iRule with a specific LTM Virtual Server.
    • -iRuleName - The name of the iRule to register.
    • -VirtualServer - The name of the VirtualServer to apply the iRule to.
    • -DeviceIP - The IP address of the F5 device.
    • -Token - The device configuration token. Typically obtained by calling the Get-F5.DeviceConfigurationToken cmdlet from the F5.Networks.ManagementPack PsSnapin.
  • Unregister-LTMiRule - Unregister an iRule with a specific LTM Virtual Server.
    • -iRuleName - The name of the iRule to unregister.
    • -VirtualServer - The name of the VirtualServer to remove the iRule from.
    • -DeviceIP - The IP address of the F5 device.
    • -Token - The device configuration token. Typically obtained by calling the Get-F5.DeviceConfigurationToken cmdlet from the F5.Networks.ManagementPack PsSnapin.
  • Remove-LTMiRule - Removes an iRule from a device.
    • -iRuleName - The name of the iRule to remove.
    • -DeviceIP - The IP address of the F5 device.
    • -Token - The device configuration token. Typically obtained by calling the Get-F5.DeviceConfigurationToken cmdlet from the F5.Networks.ManagementPack PsSnapin.
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GTM Pool Member (Pool Virtual Server) Cmdlets

  • Enable-F5.GtmPoolVirtualServer - Enables a GTM Pool Member in the specified pool.
    • -Pool - The name of the pool where the pool member is located.
    • -Member - The pool member to enable. In the format of :
    • -DeviceIP - The IP address of the F5 device.
    • -Token - The device configuration token. Typically obtained by calling the Get-F5.DeviceConfigurationToken cmdlet from the F5.Networks.ManagementPack PsSnapin.
  • Disable-F5.GtmPoolVirtualServer - Disables a GTM Pool Member in the specified pool.
    • -Pool - The name of the pool where the pool member is located.
    • -Member - The pool member to disable. In the format of :
    • -DeviceIP - The IP address of the F5 device.
    • -Token - The device configuration token. Typically obtained by calling the Get-F5.DeviceConfigurationToken cmdlet from the F5.Networks.ManagementPack PsSnapin
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